Friday, January 4, 2013

Top 5 Of 2012

So with the end of 2012 we have my top 5 picks of the year.

In no particular order we have:

Gojira - Le'Enfant Sauvage

Revocation - Teratogenesis

Parkway Drive - Atlas

Alcest - Les Voyages De L'âme

Black Breath - Sentenced to Life

I unfortunately didn't get to review as many albums from 2012 as I had wished, but that doesn't mean I haven't listened to a lot of releases I didn't get to review. I have a few bands that in my mind deserve mention and praise.

The Faceless - Autotheism

Caliban - I Am Nemesis

Of my top 5 the only one I didn't get to review was Gojira's Le'Enfant Sauvage. This was a really impressive album and I have been listening to it a lot lately. Every track is great, even the instrumental The Wild Healer. Anyways that's it for me, lets hope 2013 was as strong as 2012!