Thursday, January 20, 2011


I guess I could get to blogging, my thoughts on current/old school metal and different things in the world of extreme metal.

I got some stuff in the mail at the moment:

Skeletonwitch - Beyond the Permafrost
Hail of Bullets - ...Of Frost and War
Thine Eyes Bleed - Separation (I think that was it, maybe it was their other album)
The Crown - Crowned In Terror

I'm excited for some Skeletonwitch since I've recently become interested in Blackened Thrash and I've heard good things about the band. With The Crown, well its got Tomas Lindberg on vocals what else can I say?! Thine Eyes Bleed is supposed to be in the same vein as The Crown as thrashy Melodeath and its got Tom Araya's brother on bass. Hail of Bullets seems to be the spiritual successor to Bolt Thrower in some ways so I just had to check it out! Can't wait for them to get here so I can get some listens in!

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